Bad Memory Trick

The Magician shows an Ace and a Two, and magically makes them change places! Spectators can be close up, uses NO gimmicks!

#16 The Bad Memory Trick
This trick is done using the "double lift" where two cards are held together as one in the hand...

You start out with a dummy card on top of the deck, underneath is an Ace and underneath that is a Two...

Perform the Double Lift to show the Ace (you are actually holding a dummy card behind the Ace in your hand...

Now place the Ace (with the dummy) back on to the deck, then slide off just the Dummy and place it on the table (they think it's the Ace)...

Now perform the Double Lift again with the top two cards to show the Two (the Ace will be behind it)...

Now place the Two (with the Ace behind it) back on to the deck...

Now slide the top card (the Ace) off on to the table and pick up the card that was there on the table (the dummy card) and place it back on top of the deck...

Now make some "magic motion" that the cards have magically changed places and perform the Double Lift with the top two cards, and reach over and turn over the table card face up using these two cards (held as one) to turn it over... then turn over these two Double Lifted cards and place them on to the deck face up... to finally show that the cards did magically change places...